Admissions open for classes Playgroup to 12th  for the year 2024-25. For admission contact us @ 02622222000, 7359047711, 8347000401 email:

Freedom Valley School

પ્રિય વાલીમિત્રો,

શ્રી ગોવિંદ જ્ઞાનમંદિર ટ્રસ્ટનો શુભઆરંભ એવી ભાવના ઓ સાથે થયો છે, જયાં....

  • ભારતીય સંસ્કૃતિની સાથે-સાથે વિશ્વની સાથે પણ તાલ મેળવવાની સંકલ્પનાને સાકાર કરી શકાશે.
  • વૈદિક પરંપરા અને આધુનિક વિજ્ઞાનનો સમન્વય કરી સંતુલન જળવાશે.
  • ‘Every Child is Special’ સૂત્રને જે સમજે છે એવા શિક્ષકો દ્વારા શિક્ષણ અપાશે.
  • વિધાર્થીઓના શારીરિક, માનસિક તેમજ બૌદ્ધિક વિકાસ માટેની વિવધ પ્રવૃત્તિઓનું આયોજન થશે.
  • વિદ્યાર્થીઓના સર્વાંગી વિકાસમાટે શૈક્ષણિક પ્રવૃત્તિઓની સાથે અન્ય સહ-પ્રવૃત્તિઓને પણ ભાર આપવામાં આવશે.
  • ઉંચી મહત્વાકાંક્ષાઓની સાથે આકાશને આંબવાની કોશિષ રહેશે, જેને વિદ્યાર્થીઓ પોતાની સફળતા માનશે.

We promise to give the best ever ‘gift of basic education’ to the society

  • શું આપ આપના બાળકને Doctor બનાવવા માંગો છો?
  • શું આપ આપના બાળકને Industrialist બનાવવા માંગો છો?
  • શું આપ આપના બાળકને Engineer બનાવવા માંગો છો?
  • પરંતુ એની સાથે, જો આપના બાળકને આદર્શ વ્યક્તિ બનાવવા માંગતા હોવ તો Freedom Valley Family માં આપનું સ્વાગત છે.
Mr. Suresh Patel
Mrs. Pratima Patel
Mrs. Neha Patel
Mr. Hiren Patel

The Principal's Desk

I Promise

“Let every bud bloom” is the motto of Feedom Valley School and I believe it should be followed by everyone. This thinking should be inculcated in everyone not just spoken out loud. Student must learn to share and care and become sensitive towards the world around them.

Dear children, you are lucky to be studying in the best school in BARDOLI. Your education system offers a variety of ways in which you can recognize and hone your talents. The management of the school is always ready to support your productive endeavours.

Take full advantage of all the avenues that are open to you and you will soon find that there is no place for any kind of negative stress in your life.

Develop within yourself a burning desire to achieve and keep alive the child like curiosity for learning something new every day and I promise that there will never be a dull moment in your life.

We look forward to work in partnership with all of you and helping each of our students have successful years ahead.

Objectives of our school are


To introduce a range of knowledge, skill, experience and concepts to promote moral, aesthetic, physical & mental development.


So that each area of education to each student is allowed with sufficient time for its contributions to be efficient.


So that each student’s potential can be optimized to develop their abilities, aptitudes & build personal responsibilities. To provide a quality education, based on the propel of internationalism.
To provide a safe & supportive learning environment where students can develop their own essential skills, attitude & knowledge along with opportunities to apply them.


We believe that the happy family atmosphere with both, fun & frolic will provide an educational experience.

Freedom Valley Ideology

Teaching Methodology

  • "Don't teach me - reach me"
  • "If I can't learn the way you teach, teach me the way I learn."
  • Focuses on nurturing the latent talent in every student. Thus realizing the very mission of Feedom Valley School: Let every bud bloom.

A warm welcome to Freedom Valley Family !

  • Feedom Valley School is firm to meet the highest educational expectations of South Gujarat which is rapidly growing multinational community.
  • We live in an interconnected and complex world that is changing at an unprecedented pace. Preparing our children to succeed in this challenging environment demands a flexible and real world based approach to education. Indeed, it requires a dynamic school that can turn learning into a life-long journey of enquiry and discovery, culminating in knowledge that matters.
  • Feedom Valley is a school for a diverse student body, with a global faculty and an international curriculum. We believe our particular location in Gujarat, gives the Vibrant community of learners (teachers, students and parents) and incredible opportunity to examine change, explore the interconnectedness of issues and develop a global perspective.
  • To induce leadership quality, healthy competition and team spirit, Co- curricular activites are introduced house basis. The houses have significant names Unity(Red), Wisdom(Green), Glory(Blue) and Courage(Yellow). They are symbolized by Louts, Banyan tree, Peacock and Tiger respectively. These all are our National Symbols.
  • To offer an educational experience that is truly international, Feedom Valley School invites the well educationalist to be its consultants. Together with their experience, input, Feedom Valley School is implementing the International level programme and is providing outstanding facilities.
  • Feedom Valley School enrolls students aged 3plus. The school is designed to accommodate around 1000 students at full capacity, however, the numbers is limited to ensure controlled growth.

The Four Houses of Freedom Valley School

Courageis not something that comes from flying to your heart in moments of need or inemergencies.

Courage is not something that can be handed over to you throughlessons either. Courage is a way of life.

It is as much a habit as anything else. It’s a matter of routine more than anything else. People tend to speak ofcourage only in terms of deeds.

MarkTwain has said, “Courage is not the absence of fear. It is acting in spite ofit.”

Unity is defined as thestate of being undivided and unbroken completeness or totality with nothingwanting. It is the smallest whole numeral representation.

It has the quality of being united into one. Unity can denote a combining of all the parts, elements and individuals into an effective whole.

It is applicable to people and objectsforming whole notions of any concepts. It implies oneness when there is acertain usual division.

Wisdom is a deep understanding andrealizing of people, things, events or situations, resulting in the ability tochoose or act to consistently produce the optimum results with a minimum oftime and energy. It is the ability to optimally (effectively and efficiently) apply perceptions and knowledge and so produce the desired results.

Wisdom is also the comprehension of what is true or right coupled with optimum judgmentas to action. Synonyms include: sagacity, discernment, or insight. Wisdom oftenrequires control of one's emotional reactions (the "passions") sothat one's principles , reason and knowledge prevail to determine one's actions.

"Glory" in the supreme sense is the Lord as to Divine truth, thus it is the Divine truth which proceeds from the Lord.

"Glory" in the representative sense isthe good of love toward the neighbor, or charity.

The spiritual heaven is called "glory" because whatever is there appears in light, in brightness andin radiance.

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